It might say something like this:
Es podria dir quelcom així:
Font: MaCoCu
Dive head… Flanders is virtually synonymous with the arts.
Es podria dir que Flandes és sinònim d’art.
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Perhaps we should say the same thing about optimism.
Potser es podria dir el mateix de l’optimisme.
Font: TedTalks
You could say that it functions like a muscle.
Es podria dir que funciona com un múscul.
Font: MaCoCu
So, yeah, you could say it worked.
Així que sí, es podria dir que va funcionar.
Font: MaCoCu
It is arguably the national dish of the Philippines.
Es podria dir que és el plat nacional de Filipines.
Font: MaCoCu
It could be said then that we imitate that which we read or hear.
Es podria dir que imitem el que llegim o escoltem.
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You could say: good sleep, good cognitive performance.
Es podria dir: un bon somni, un bon rendiment cognitiu.
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I suppose you could call that a variety of peace.
Suposo que es podria dir que és una varietat de pau.
Font: Covost2
It would be said of him that he was more Tolstoy than Tolstoy himself.
Es podria dir que era més Tolstoi que el mateix Tolstoi.
Font: Covost2
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